This process checks if there are any invalid emails in the Links Database.
The process connects to each recipient's Email Server to check the validity of each particular email address.
If the email is false or invalid it will be marked as invalid and it will automatically be listed in the invalid link database email list. Once it is in the list you may decide to keep it marked as invalid or to set it as a valid email on the Links Database. Note that it is not appropiate to delete links from the Links Database only because the email address is invalid. The link should be correct even if the owner has probably changed to a new email address. Just keep it marked as a valid or invalid email for your future bulk mailing purposes.

Note: The Email addresses to be checked are from the Links Database, if you want to check the Mailing List you can do it anytime by selecting the Mailing List Email Checker option from the Administration Menu.
Note that if you have configured the directory to check the validity of emails, all email addresses in your Links Database should be correct and you will not need to run this process frequently. This can be configured on the directory configuration file from the System Templates Menu.

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